We enable to know your counterparties, business partners, acquisition or investment targets, new clients or new employees.
We enable to know your risk of exposure to corruption or fraud.
We enable to make informed decisions about the people and companies with whom you work.
We gather information on the people, reputation, character and their individual past.

We provide customised reports to the specific demands of the clients knowing that having accurate information makes the difference.
We have the ability to monitor, research and analyze political and economic developments to security challenges with an impact to inter-country and infra-regional risk environment, leveraging languages skills, regional expertise and cultural competence.
We provide in-depth desk-based review of information that is often ‘hard to find’ but publicly available.
We provide influence mapping : We analyze relationships and allegiances to inform and explain decision making.
We work with well-travelled researcher and politcal analyst with in-depth understanding of economic drivers, political terrain and security challenges in different regions.

We provide unbiased brute information from the ground as non-evaluated facts and statements from our network of local sources collected by our intelligence gatherers in the field.

We organize legitimate and exclusive information. Our information represents a significant business advantage and is a helpful tool. We provide relevant information in a timely manner, from which the right conclusions can be drawn in order to provide prerequisites, to develop new trading and investment opportunities, or to optimize corporate performance.

The development of the world economy is subject to great fluctuations. Understanding market size, customers, sales models, and demand is critical to profitable investments in new and growth markets. We analyse the respective market in a targeted manner to meet the needs of the market. That is, understanding the market, understanding the cultural realities, understanding demand, understanding the price landscape, but also understanding history – so that you can make history.